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Hi 👋, I'm Lucas Guimarães

A computer science student from Brazil

🖖 About Me

I'm a code architect passionate about solving complex challenges through clever algorithms. I'm driven by the endless possibilities that code and algorithms unlock, shaping a brighter future one line at a time. At the Center of Informatics (CIn) on UFPE, I'm mastering the art of building tech that impacts real-world problems, fueled by a strong belief in the power of collaboration. When I'm not debugging code, you'll find me jamming on the piano, harmonizing my passions for tech and music. Let's team up and create solutions that make a difference!

⚙️ Technologies

python C C++ HTML5 CSS3 git Markdown GitHub VSCode
Most used Languages

📝 My Projects

Plataformer jogo_da_velha MaratonaCIn_Entry-2023 lgf_cplib

🎓 Educational Background

Bachelor of Computer Science 2023~today
Center of Informatics | Centro de Informática (CIn)
Federal University of Pernambuco | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UPFE)

🧑‍💻 Work Experience

IT Project Manager 2020~2021
Super Séries 2020 and 2021 editions

In 2020, the pandemic threw a curveball at "Colégio Oficina's" beloved sports project, "Super Séries." With no options, we pivoted the entire event online, and as Project Manager, I had the incredible opportunity to guide 800 students to virtual victory. Imagine the challenge: keeping so many students engaged and connected through online games amidst a global crisis. But with a dedicated team and a passion for sportsmanship, we made it happen.

  • Crafting Engaging Activities: We curated a diverse range of online games and challenges, ensuring something for everyone – from esports enthusiasts to casual participants.
  • Fostering a Virtual Community: We built online forums and chat rooms, fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection despite the physical distance.
  • Celebrating Achievements: We recognized individual and team accomplishments, keeping the competitive spirit alive and motivation high.

More Than Just Games:

"Super Séries" wasn't just about pixels and points. It was about resilience, adaptability, and the power of community. Seeing students connect, laugh, and cheer each other on, even through screens, was incredibly rewarding.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embracing Innovation: I learned to think outside the box and leverage technology to overcome challenges.
  • Leading with Purpose: My experience honed my leadership skills and ability to motivate and inspire others.
  • The Power of Community: I witnessed firsthand the strength and resilience of communities, even in the face of adversity.

✉️ Contact

For any further questions or inquiries, reach me at:

my e-mail
my discord   @lucat564
my phone   +55 (77) 9 8114-2835

⭐️ Interesting Info

Snake animation